Monday, January 7, 2019

Other than kidney failure patients who should take Homeopathic treatment for Kidney?

1. Healthy persons, who have strong family history of CRF / ADPKD/ Kidney Stone, should take Homeopathic Treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.

2. Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must take Homeopathic Treatment.

3. Persons who are having symptoms of early Renal Failure (CKD) of unknown etiology.

4. Patients suffering from frequent renal stone formation or having stone lodged in the ureter.

5. Patients suffering from enlarged Prostate Gland.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Kidney stone and its Homeopathic Treatment

Kidney stones or renal calculi are solid concretions or calculi (crystal aggregations) formed in the kidneys from dissolved urinary minerals.There are several types of kidney stones based on the type of crystals of which they consist. The majority are calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, Staghorn calculus, rarely struvite stones and people with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce uric acid stones or cystine stones.


  • Colicky pain: "loin to groin". Often described as "the worst pain ever experienced".
  • Hematuria: blood in the urine, due to minor damage to inside wall of kidney, ureter and/or urethra.
  • Pyuria: pus in the urine.
  • Dysuria: burning on urination when passing stones (rare). More typical of infection.
  • Oliguria: reduced urinary volume caused by obstruction of the bladder or urethra by stone, or extremely rarely, simultaneous obstruction of both ureters by a stone.
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Nausea/vomiting: embryological link with intestine– stimulates the vomiting center.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Postrenal azotemia: when kidney stone blocks ureter
  • Frequency in micturition: Defined as an increase in number of voids per day (>than 5 times), but not polyuria, an increase of total urine output per day (2500 ml).
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of weight


X-rays, Ultrasonography, IVP, CT Scans


Preventive strategies include dietary modifications and sometimes also taking drugs with the goal of reducing excretory load on the kidneys:
Ø  Drinking enough water to make 2 to 2.5 liters of urine per day.
Ø  A diet low in protein, nitrogen and sodium intake.
Ø  Restriction of oxalate-rich foods, such as chocolate, nuts, soybeans, rhubarb and spinach, plus maintenance of an adequate intake of dietary calcium. There is equivocal evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of stone formation, though calcium citrate appears to carry the lowest, if any, risk.
Ø  Some fruit juices, such as orange, blackcurrant, and cranberry, may be useful for lowering the risk factors for specific types of stones. Orange juice may help prevent calcium oxalate stone formation, black currant may help prevent uric acid stones, and cranberry may help with UTI-caused stones.
Ø  Avoidance of cola beverages.
Ø  Avoiding large doses of vitamin C.
Ø  Restricting oxalate consumption
Ø  Decreased protein diet

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is highly effective in alleviating renal colic and other signs and symptoms associted with renal calculi and thereby reducing the injury caused to the already injured renal parenchyma, due to allopathic painkillers and antibiotics.All types of renal calculi whether of uric acid, phophate or oxalates are very effectively removed by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is  not only useful in disintegration of stones but even helps to expel larger calculi by increasing the peristaltic motion of ureters.Homeopathy has far greater role to prevent the recurrence thus permanently cureing the tendency of  stone formation which recur again and again after surgery or lithotripsy.Only Homeopathic system of medicine can regulate the uric acid metabolism  Thereby both newly diagnosed cases as well as recurrent and chronic cases, where surgey, ESWL has already been done,  are equally benefitted. Some common Homeopathic medicines are Lycopodium, Berberis Vulg, Epigia, Terebinth, Ocimum, Sarsaparella, Cantharis, Urtica Urens, Pulsatilla, Apocyanum , Acid Phos ect. on the basis of the symptoms, but selection of constitutional drug is must to end up the tendency of stone formation.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Kidney Failure and how Homeopathy can help
Our Kidneys which are also called the master chemist of the body maintains the electrolytic balance of the body fluid, maintains the osmolarity and acid – base balance.
1. The kidneys are the key organs to maintain the balance of the different electrolytes in the body and the acid-base balance. In case of Kidney failure progressive loss of kidney function results in a number of adaptive and compensatory Renal and Extra-renal changes that allow homeostasis to be maintained with Glomerular filtration rates in the range of 10-25 ml/min. With Glomerular filtration rates below 10 ml/min, there are almost always abnormalities in the body's internal environment with clinical repercussions.
2. Water Balance Disorders: In advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), the range of urine osmolarity progressively approaches plasma osmolarity and becomes isostenuric. This manifests clinically as symptoms of nocturia and polyuria, especially in tubulointerstitial kidney diseases. Water overload will result in hyponatremia and a decrease in water intake will lead to hypernatremia. Routine analyses of serum Na levels is performed in all patients with advanced CKD. Except in edematous states, a daily fluid intake of 1-1.5 liters should be recommended. Hyponatremia does not usually occur with Glomerular filtration rates above 10 ml/min. If it occurs, an excessive intake of free water should be considered or nonosmotic release of vasopressin by stimuli such as pain, anesthetics, hypoxemia or hypovolemia, or the use of diuretics. Hypernatremia is less frequent than hyponatremia in CKD.
 3. Sodium Balance Disorders: In CKD, fractional excretion of sodium increases so that absolute sodium excretion is not modified until Glomerular filtration rates below 15 ml/min. Total body content of sodium is the main determinant of extracellular volume and therefore disturbances in sodium balance will lead to clinical situations of volume depletion or overload: Volume depletion due to renal sodium loss occurs in abrupt restrictions of salt intake in advanced CKD. It occurs more frequently in certain tubulointerstitial kidney diseases (salt losing nephropathies). Volume overload due to sodium retention can occur with Glomerular filtration rates below 25 ml/min and leads to edema, arterial hypertension and heart failure. The use of diuretics in volume overload in CKD is useful to force natriuresis. Weight and volume should be monitored regularly in the hospitalized patient with CKD.
4. Potassium Balance Disorders: In CKD, the ability of the kidneys to excrete potassium decreases proportionally to the loss of glomerular filtration. Stimulation of aldosterone and the increase in intestinal excretion of potassium are the main adaptive mechanisms to maintain potassium homeostasis until glomerular filtration rates of 10 ml/min. The main causes of hyperkalemia in CKD are the following: Use of drugs that alter the ability of the kidneys to excrete potassium: ACEIs, ARBs, NSAIDs, aldosterone antagonists, nonselective beta-blockers, heparin, trimetoprim, calcineurin inhibitors. Determination of serum potassium two weeks after the initiation of treatment with ACEIs/ARBs is recommended. Routine use of aldosterone antagonists in advanced CKD is not recommended. A low-potassium diet is recommended with GFR less than 20 ml/min, or GFR less than 50 ml/min if drugs that raise serum potassium are taken. In the absence of symptoms or electrocardiographic abnormalities, review of medications, restriction of dietary potassium and use of oral ion exchange resins are usually sufficient therapeutic measures. Parenteral bicarbonate and ion exchange resins in enemas are not recommended as first-line treatment. Hemodialysis is considered in patients with glomerular filtration rates below 10 ml/min.
5. Acid-Base Disorders in CKD: Moderate metabolic acidosis (Bic 16-20) mEq/L is common with Glomerular filtration rates below 20 ml/min, and favors bone demineralization due to the release of calcium and phosphate from the bone, chronic hyperventilation, and muscular weakness and atrophy. Its treatment consists of administration of sodium bicarbonate, usually orally (0.5-1 mEq/kg/day), with the goal of achieving a serum bicarbonate level of 22-24 mmol/L. Limitation of daily protein intake to less than 1 g/kg/day is also useful. Use of sevelamer as a phosphate binder aggravates metabolic acidosis since it favors endogenous acid production and therefore acidosis should be monitored and corrected if it occurs. Hypocalcaemia should always be corrected before metabolic acidosis in CKD. Metabolic acidosis is an infrequent disorder and requires exogenous alkali administration (bicarbonate, phosphate binders) or vomiting.
Homeopathic Aspect
With the help of Homeopathic medicines acid base balance along with Osmolarity can be maintained. The electrolyte balance with symptoms can also be corrected with Homeopathic medicines, moreover the Homeopathic medicines if used in high dilutions (NANO Form) do not contain any crude drug material, hence are totally harmless with no side effects.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Fungal infection and its Homeopathic Treatment

Mycosis (plural: mycoses) is a condition in which fungi pass the resistance barriers of the human or animal body and establish infections.


Mycoses are classified according to the tissue levels initially colonized:

(a)Superficial mycoses: It is limited to the outermost layers of the skin and hair.
An example of a fungal infection is Tinea versicolor: Tinea versicolor is a fungus infection that commonly affects the skin of young people, especially the chest, back, and upper arms and legs. Tinea versicolor is caused by a fungus that lives in the skin of almost all adults. It doesn't usually affect the face. This fungus produces spots that are either lighter than the skin or a reddish-brown.

(b)Cutaneous mycoses: Extends deeper into the epidermis, as well as invades hair and nail diseases. These diseases are restricted to the keratinized layers of the skin, hair, and nails. Unlike the superficial mycoses, host immune responses may be evoked, resulting in pathologic changes expressed in the deeper layers of the skin. The organisms that cause these diseases are called dermatophytes. The resulting diseases are often called ringworm (even though there is no worm involved) or tinea. Cutaneous mycoses are caused by Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton fungi, which together comprise 41 species.
(c)Subcutaneous mycoses: involve the dermis, subcutaneous tissues, muscle, and fascia. These infections are chronic and can be initiated by piercing trauma to the skin, which allows the fungi to enter. These infections are difficult to treat and may require surgical interventions such as debridement.

(d)Systemic mycoses due to primary pathogens

Systemic mycoses due to primary pathogens - originate primarily in the lungs and may spread to many organ systems. Organisms that cause systemic mycoses are inherently virulent. Generally, primary pathogens that cause systemic mycoses are dimorphic.

(e)Systemic mycoses due to opportunistic pathogens

Systemic mycoses due to opportunistic pathogens - infections of patients with immune deficiencies who would otherwise not be infected. Examples of immunocompromised conditions include AIDS, alteration of normal flora by antibiotics, immunosuppressive therapy, and metastatic cancer. Examples of opportunistic mycoses include Candidiasis, Cryptococcosis and Aspergillosis.


Keeping the skin clean and dry, as well as maintaining good hygiene will help larger topical mycoses. Because fungal infections are contagious, it is important to wash after touching other people or animals. Sports clothing should also be washed after use. Wearing flip-flops if using a community swimming pool or shower will also help prevent topical infections.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy provides a broad range of medicines even to the infections resistant to Allopathic anti fungal drugs.One can get rid of the fungal infection permanently by taking Homeopathic medicines.An expert Homeopathic physician could help you to select a constitutional medicine for your sufferings and to get rid of it permanently. Common medicines in accordance with symptoms are Petroleum, Mezereum, Tellurium, Thuja ect.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction or sexual malfunction refers to a difficulty experienced by an individual or a couple during any stage of a normal sexual activity, including desire, arousal or orgasm.


Sexual dysfunction disorders may be classified into four categories: sexual desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders and pain disorders.

(a) Sexual desire disorders

Sexual desire disorders or decreased libido are characterised by a lack or absence for some period of time of sexual desire or libido for sexual activity or of sexual fantasies.

(b)Sexual arousal disorders

Sexual arousal disorders were previously known as frigidity in women and impotence in men.Impotence is now known as erectile dysfunction, and frigidity has been replaced with a number of terms describing specific problems with, for example, desire or arousal.

(c) Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis. There are various underlying causes, such as damage to the nervi erigentes which prevents or delays erection, or diabetes, which simply decreases blood flow to the tissue in the penis, many of which are medically reversible.

(d) Orgasm disorders

Orgasm disorders are persistent delays or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase. The disorder can have psysical, psychological, or pharmacological origins. SSRI antidepressants are a common pharmaceutical culprit, as they can delay orgasm or eliminate it entirely.

(e) Sexual pain disorders

Sexual pain disorders affect women almost exclusively and are known as dyspareunia (painful intercourse) or vaginismus (an involuntary spasm of the muscles of the vaginal wall that interferes with intercourse).

 (f) General

Sexual dysfunctions are more common in the early adult years, majority of people seeking care during their late twenties through thirties. The incidence increases again in the geriatric population.

Psychological sexual disorders

Other sexual problems

Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy takes a different approach from conventional medicine in diagnosing, classifying, and treating medical problems. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's mechanisms and processes so as to prevent or treat illness. Treatment in homeopathy is individualized (tailored to each person). Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only symptoms but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Ovarian cyst and its Homeopathic Treatment

Ovarian cyst and its Homeopathic Treatment

An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be as small as a pea, or larger than an orange.
Most ovarian cysts are functional in nature, and harmless (benign).Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. They occur most often, however, during a woman's childbearing years.Some ovarian cysts cause problems, such as bleeding and pain.


1. Functional cysts

Functional cysts, or simple cysts, are part of the normal process of menstruation. They have nothing to do with disease, and can be treated. There are 3 types, Graafian, Luteal, and Hemorrhagic. These types of cysts occur during ovulation. If the egg is not released, the ovary can fill up with fluid. Usually these types of cysts will go away after a few period cycles.

(a)Graafian follicle cyst

A simple cyst, which is the most common type of ovarian cyst, is the graafian follicle cyst, or follicular cyst.

(b)Corpus luteum cyst

Another is a corpus luteum cyst (which may rupture about the time of menstruation, and take up to three months to disappear entirely).

(c)Hemorrhagic cyst

A third type of functional cyst, which is common, is a Hemorrhagic cyst, which is also called a blood cyst, hematocele, and hematocyst. It occurs when a very small blood vessel in the wall of the cyst breaks, and the blood enters the cyst.

2. Dermoid cyst

A bizarre tumor, usually benign, in the ovary that typically contains a diversity of tissues including hair, teeth, bone, thyroid, etc.A dermoid cyst develops from a totipotential germ cell (a primary oocyte) that is retained within the egg sac (ovary). Being totipotential, that cell can give rise to all orders of cells necessary to form mature tissues and often recognizable structures such as hair, bone and sebaceous (oily) material, neural tissue and teeth.


3. Endometrioid cyst

An endometrioma, endometrioid cyst, endometrial cyst, or chocolate cyst is caused by endometriosis, and formed when a tiny patch of endometrial tissue (the mucous membrane that makes up the inner layer of the uterine wall) bleeds, sloughs off, becomes transplanted, and grows and enlarges inside the ovaries.

4. Pathological cysts

Other cysts are pathological, such as those found in polycystic ovary syndrome, or those associated with tumors.

Signs and symptoms

Some or all of the following symptoms may be present, though it is possible not to experience any symptoms:
  • Dull aching, or severe, sudden, and sharp pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen (one or both sides), pelvis, vagina, lower back, or thighs; pain may be constant or intermittent -- this is the most common symptom
  • Fullness, heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen
  • Breast tenderness
  • Pain during or shortly after beginning or end of menstrual period.
  • Irregular periods, or abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting
  • Change in frequency or ease of urination (such as inability to fully empty the bladder), or difficulty with bowel movements due to pressure on adjacent pelvic anatomy
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Increased level of hair growth
  • Increased facial hair or body hair
  • Headaches
  • Strange pains in ribs, which feel muscular
  • Bloating
  • Strange nodules that feel like bruises under the layer of skin


Ovarian cysts are usually diagnosed by either ultrasound or CT scan.



About 95% of ovarian cysts are benign, meaning they are not cancerous.Treatment for cysts depends on the size of the cyst and symptoms. For small, asymptomatic cysts, the wait and see approach with regular check-ups will most likely be recommended.Pain caused by ovarian cysts may be treated with Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by symptoms rather than conditions, as each case of a particular illness can manifest differently in different people. Homeopathic medicine offers more options for treating ovarian cysts. Depending on the symptoms accompanying the cysts, there are different treatments. Homeopathic remedies are normally made from plant, mineral and animal extracts. With the help of Homeopathic treatment we can eliminate cysts, regulate ovulation and relieve painful menstruation.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thyroid Disease can be treated with Homeopathy

Thyroid disease is a medical condition impairing the function of the thyroid.


(a) Hyper- and hypofunction

Imbalance in production of thyroid hormones arises from dysfunction of the thyroid gland itself, the pituitary gland, which produces thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or the hypothalamus, which regulates the pituitary gland via thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).
  • Hypothyroidism (underactivity)
    • Hashimoto's thyroiditis / thyroiditis
    • Ord's thyroiditis
    • Postoperative hypothyroidism
    • Postpartum thyroiditis
    • Silent thyroiditis
    • Acute thyroiditis
    • Iatrogenic hypothyroidism
    • Thyroid hormone resistance
    • Euthyroid sick syndrome

  • Hyperthyroidism (overactivity)
    • Thyroid storm
    • Graves' disease
    • Toxic thyroid nodule
    • Toxic nodular struma (Plummer's disease)
    • Hashitoxicosis
    • Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism
    • De Quervain's thyroiditis (inflammation starting as hyperthyroidism, can end as hypothyroidism)
(b) Anatomical problems
  • Goitre
    • Endemic goitre
    • Diffuse goitre
    • Multinodular goitre
  • Lingual thyroid
  • Thyroglossal duct cyst

(c) Tumors

  • Thyroid adenoma
  • Thyroid cancer
    • Papillary
    • Follicular
    • Medullary
    • Anaplastic
  • Lymphomas and metastasis from elsewhere (rare)


  • Cretinism



(a) Blood tests

  • The measurement of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) , T4 and T3 levels is often used as a screening test.

(b) Ultrasound

Nodules of the thyroid may or may not be cancer. Medical ultrasonography can help determine their nature because some of the characteristics of benign and malignant nodules differ. Ultrasonography is not always able to separate benign from malignant nodules with complete certainty. In suspicious cases, a tissue sample is often obtained by biopsy for microscopic examination.

(c) Radioiodine scanning and uptake

Thyroid scintigraphy, imaging of the thyroid with the aid of radioactive iodine, usually iodine-123 (123I), is performed in the nuclear medicine department of a hospital or clinic.

(d) Biopsy

A medical biopsy refers to the obtaining of a tissue sample for examination under the microscope or other testing, usually to distinguish cancer from noncancerous conditions. Thyroid tissue may be obtained for biopsy by fine needle aspiration or by surgery.

Homeopathic Treatment

There are excellent remedies in Homeopathy for the patients suffering from Thyroid Disorders. The Homeopathic remedies are prepared from a wide range of substances such as the vegetables, herbs, minerals, chemicals and animal products in extremely minute doses. The homeopathic remedy selected will be based on all the symptoms of the patient including physical, mental and emotional states, and family history of the patient.  Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body's own system and offer a long lasting cure rather than giving temporary relief.
Homeopathy considers a disease to be the result from emotional distress and frustration, which blocks the life force energy into various different organs or glands. Homeopathy offers better chances of a cure since the treatment is based on the person's individual constitution. Conventional treatment of thyroid dysfunction relies mainly on drugs and surgery whereas Homeopathic treatment improves the function of the thyroid gland through natural means. It stimulate the body to reactivate the hormone secretions, replenish and restore the thyroid tissue through the pituitary and other glands as a whole allowing the body to heal itself.
The fundamental understanding of Homeopathy is that substances that can cause a pattern of symptoms in a healthy person can activate a cure of that pattern of symptoms in a sick person when those substances are Homeopathically potentized. This is done not by suppressing symptoms like an allopathic drug, but by expressing the healing powers dwelling within us to heal through treating the whole person including body, mind and emotions.
Another striking thing about Homeopathy is that it has no side effects. People on multiple medications can safely take Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic drugs are non-habit forming and have no addictive characteristics. Homeopathy has an exceptional proven safety record with the FDA with 200 years of clinical effectiveness.
To conclude, Homeopathy heals by finding and curing the roots of the disease. It has a cleansing effect and stimulates thyroid activity by implementing a general regulating influence on the thyroid. Hence, for a safe, natural, effective, and long-lasting answer for thyroid problems, consider Homeopathy. 

Other than kidney failure patients who should take Homeopathic treatment for Kidney? 1. Healthy persons, who have strong family histo...