Wednesday, April 26, 2017

You are More Prone to CRF

                   1. History of Hypertension.

                   2. Diabetes Mellitus.

                   3. Systemic Infections.

                   4. Inflammatory or Metabolic Disease.

                   5. Exposure to Drugs and Toxins.

                    6. Family history of Renal and Urological disease

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kidney Failure a detail discussion and its Homeopathic treatment
Depending on the underlying cause, some types of kidney disease can be treated. Often, though, chronic Kidney Failure has no cure in modern system of medicine.
In modern system of medicine treatment usually consists of measures to help control signs and symptoms, to reduce complications, and to slow progression of the disease. If kidneys become severely damaged, one may need treatment for end-stage kidney disease (ESRD).
Treatment of the cause of Kidney Failure.
Physician will work to slow or control the cause of Kidney disease. The options of treatment may vary, depending on the cause, but Kidney damage can continue to worsen even when an underlying condition, such as high blood pressure, has been controlled due to some other causes.
Treating complications could provide symptomatic relief.
Kidney disease complications can be controlled by following some steps.

High blood pressure medications.Patients with Kidney Failure may experience worsening high blood pressure. Physician may recommend medications to maintain blood pressure and to preserve Kidney Function. High blood pressure medications can initially decrease kidney function and change electrolyte levels, so the patient of Chronic Kidney Failure may need frequent blood tests to monitor condition. Physician also recommend a diuretic  and a low-salt diet to prevent water retention.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Lachesis, Apocyanum can, Sepia, Crataegus, Raulfia, Naja, may perform the same functions in selective potencies without any damage to kidney and other vital organs.
Medications to lower cholesterol levels. Physician may recommend medications called statins to lower cholesterol. People with Chronic Kidney Disease often experience high levels of bad cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease also.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Berberis Asiatica, Ceonanthus, Chelidonium, Carduus e.c.t may perform the same functions in selective potencies without any damage to kidney and other vital organs
Medications to treat anemic Condition. In certain situations, Physician may recommend supplements of the hormone erythropoietin, sometimes with added iron. Erythropoietin Hormone supplements aid in production of more red blood cells, which may relieve fatigue and weakness associated with anemia.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Ferrum Phos, Ferrum Met, Phosphorous, Ceonanthus, ect  may perform the same functions in selective potencies
Medications For swelling. People with chronic kidney disease may retain fluids. This can lead to swelling in the legs, as well as high blood pressure. Medications called diuretics can help to drain fluids from the body.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Apocynum, Sepia, Liatris, ect  may perform the same functions in selective potencies.
Medications to maintain Hyperphosphatemia and low Calcium levels. Physician may prescribe calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent weak bones and lower the  risk of fracture. One  may also suggested to take medication known as a phosphate binder to lower the amount of phosphate in blood.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Cissus, Phosphorous, Cal Carb, Cal Phos ect  may perform the same functions in selective potencies. Cissus acts as phosphate binder Homeopathically
Low protein diet to minimize waste products in blood. As our body processes protein from foods, it creates waste products that our kidneys must filter from your blood. To reduce the amount of work our kidneys must do, Physician may recommend eating less protein.
In Homeopathic system of treatment some medicines as Urea, Ledum Pal, Cuprum Ars, Aristolochia in selective potencies may help a lot.
Treatment for End-Stage Renal Disease
If kidneys can't keep up with waste and fluid clearance on their own and develop complete or near-complete kidney failure, is referred as end-stage kidney disease. At that point, Patient needs dialysis or a kidney transplant.
For some who choose not to have dialysis or a kidney transplant, a third option is to treat kidney failure with conservative measures.
Potential future treatments
Regenerative medicine holds the potential to fully heal damaged tissues and organs, offering solutions and hope for people who have conditions that today are beyond repair.
Regenerative medicine approaches include:
(a) Boosting the body's natural ability to heal itself
(b) Delivering specific types of cells or cell products to diseased tissues or organs to restore tissue and organ function
For people with chronic kidney disease, regenerative medicine approaches is the best option to help / slow progression of the disease.
Dr Mohan Singh Presently working on Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic medicines and the role of Homeopathic medicines in stimulating stem cells and their role in the enhancement of tissue regeneration and repairing in the patients of Chronic Renal Failure. He is successfully treating patients of Kidney Failure with Homeopathic medicines

Sunday, April 16, 2017


            Some Common Causes

       1.  High blood pressure.
       2.  Diabetes Mellitus.
       3.  Infections/Inflammation.
       4.  Abuse of drug (Esp. Pain killers).
       5.  Kidney stones.
       6.  Congenital causes.
       7.  Failure due to accidents.
       8.  Autoimmune Disorders

Friday, April 14, 2017

Other than kidney failure patients who should take Homeopathic treatment for Kidney?
1.  Healthy persons, who have strong family history of CRF / ADPKD/ Kidney Stone, should take Homeopathic Treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.
2.  Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must take Homeopathic Treatment.
3.  Persons who are having symptoms of early Renal Failure (CKD) of unknown etiology.
4.  Patients suffering from frequent renal stone formation or having stone lodged in the ureter.

5. Patients suffering from enlarged Prostate Gland. 
होम्योपैथिक चिकित्सा से संबंधित गलत धारणाएं
1. यह धारणा  कि होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां एलोपैथिक, आयुर्वेदिक एवं अन्य दवाओं के साथ नहीं चल सकती गलत है. 
2. यह  धारणा अवैज्ञानिक है कि इन दवाइयों का असर प्याज-लहसुन, तंबाकू, सिगरेट, शराब, पान एवं अन्य वस्तुओं के लेने से समाप्त हो जाता है.
3. यह तथ्य गलत है कि इनका असर धीरे-धीरे लंबे समय के बाद होता है.
4. यह गलत  एवं अवैज्ञानिक तथ्य है कि होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां रोग को पहले बढ़ाती हैं फिर ठीक करती हैं.
5. यह गलत है की होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां लेने के आधे घंटे के पहले या बाद में कुछ नहीं खाना चाहिए  इसका कोई वैज्ञानिक आधार नहीं है.
6. होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों को हाथ से छूने पर उनका असर कम या समाप्त हो जाता है यह सत्य नहीं है.
7.  यह तथ्यहीन एवं अवैज्ञानिक है की होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां मुंह से सेवन करने  पर ही असर करती हैं और किसी अन्य माध्यम से सेवन करने पर नहीं.

8. यह अवैज्ञानिक एवं गलत है की होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां सिर्फ क्रॉनिक बीमारियों में ही अच्छा असर करती हैं एक्यूट में नहीं

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What we observed during Homeopathic treatment of Kidney Failure Patients:

1.    Indicated Homeopathic remedies reduced the number of dialysis needed over a period of time and even stopped in many of the cases.

2. Indicated Homeopathic remedies reduce and overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.

3.    Indicated Homeopathic remedies were found helpful to postpone the urgent need of Transplantation in patients waiting for a graft.

4. Chronic Kidney Disease patients on Homeopathic treatment showed marked improvement in quality of life.

5.    Homeopathic drugs are cost effective and easy to use with no side effects

Sunday, April 2, 2017

क्या होता है गुर्दे फेल होना, इससे कैसे बचा जाए ?

A super specialty Homoeopathic Clinic.

A super specialty Homoeopathic Clinic.

A chain of super specialty Homoeopathic clinic’s launched all over India initiating from Lucknow, capable of providing Homoeopathic treatment for different diseases including surgical and non-surgical. A Centre providing super specialty facility for the various so called, incurable diseases under one roof including all necessary investigations, with a team of qualified and experienced physician’s. Nano is committed to provide best services to its patients including health and general facilities like potable water, sitting arrangement, toilet and other basic infrastructure services. Patients are intimated time to time for their follow ups and other investigations.

Other than kidney failure patients who should take Homeopathic treatment for Kidney? 1. Healthy persons, who have strong family histo...